I created this blog to express my thoughts at will, free of constraint, allowed to wander freely and hit upon any unearthly topics of mundane discussion. I am definitely not here to impress people with my generous play of words, twisting and manipulating phrases to give a grandoise effect. Nope. I'm just here to feed people my thoughts, emotions and most importantly - who i am.
The world is a cruel and harsh place. Not a drop of mercy has survived. Hope, yes, its present everywhere. Hope is what keeps the world up and running. What a pain! Humans are surviving on something as vague and invisible as hope? What a shame!
Family is important. They give us a sense of compassion, love and the sense of companionship. But then again, having siblings at times is so irritating!!! For instance, my brother, the "Great know-all" has a take on everything i do. I'm dumb so it seems, in his eyes. Now how would one escape the scrutiny of someone as snobbish as that! But then again, if i didn't have him, life wouldn't be as colourful.
Life gives us most things we want, but also loves giving stuff we don't want. It's all about creating a "balance".
Its summer. I should be out celebrating, but the indian education system fails to encourage me in this department. Senior year at college can be fun as well as highly boring. A baby could guess that i experience the latter.
Education is important, but in India its lunacy!
My brain is genuinely running dry of thoughts. The streamlined flow of my otiose thoughts have stagnated at such wee hours in the morning.
I bring an abrupt end to this one but i'll keep more coming.
Here's a poetic ending:
"And as the candle burns lower and lower into the night...."